It has been seen that lots of mistakes has been admitted by the web development Delhi programmer at the time of web development developing the application. Here is some of the common mistakes made by the developer have been listed below and it must be avoided to have better result.
- Poor load time web development
- Poor appearance throughout the application of web development
- Spelling/Grammar mistakes
- Having No contact information
- having not relevant web development content
- Poor web development Delhi navigation
- Poor browser compatibility
- Large slow loading graphics
- Too many graphics
- Pages scrolling to oblivion
- Busy, distracting backgrounds
- Too many graphic and/or line dividers
- Multiple banners and buttons
- Multiple use of animated graphics
- Animated bullets
- Poor use of frames
- Large fonts
- Pop up messages
- Poor use of web development tables
- Poor organization
- Over use of Java
- Different backgrounds on each page
- Over powering music set to AutoPlay
- Confusing web development
- Too much advertising
- Large Welcome banners
- Multiple colored text
- Text difficult to read
- No Meta tags
- Multiple use of different fonts
- Under construction signs
- Scrolling text in the status bar
- Large scrolling text across the page
- Poor use web development Delhi of mouse over effects