If you have a small business owner you have perhaps thinking to build a web developmentwebsite to sell the product online for your business. If you know noting about online business and what should be done and how it should be handled online business, then it is really tough to imagine so complicated web development task. It might be expensive for new person so you procrastinated from doing it.
In order to built a website for your small business so that you sell your product online. You have to follow the following:
1) First of all you have to buy a WYSIWYG. It is a type of software which permits you to build a website, by just pointing, clicking, and typing. It is so easy to creating a document with Microsoft Word.
2) Subsequently you will require a web host Web Development . A web host means a server where you website is putted through which your website is accessed by the user through out the world. They will offer a piece of storage space, bandwidth, etc and for this they will charge a handsome amount. You don’t need web development to worry about all these, till when unless you plan on getting a lot of page visions to your site, or making a large website, more speed amount of bandwidth, and storage space, perhaps won’t influence you. Web hosting will possibly cost you between per month.
3) After doing host of your website you need a shopping cart service. Through this your customer will able to pay the amount for the product which they bought.
4) This onwards you need a buy a domain name. This is essentially what people type in to find your website.
5) At last having all these ready you need web development to promote your website to make people to visit your website, and let them to know about your offering, so they find best and economical cheap to buy online. Since if you know very little about the internet, and you are having no thought about how to get started promoting a website. For promoting your website you need to consult the SEO service providing companies. Then you will have to pay someone to submit your websites to directories. This will cost you a few hundred dollars. And finally you will have to do PPC advertising.