WebDhoom is one of fast growing and affordable Web Development and Web Designing Company that offer advanced job portal script service. We provide best job site script which is focus to launch your own top quality Jobs Portal Development to contend from other. Before developing any job portal for you we went through your requirement and latest market requirement in respect of the job seekers. We afford with the latest attributes of employment sites that rank you in highest in the particular domain where your site is hosted.
We provide latest facilities that can enable you to process payments directly through the popular Paypal payment gateway. Through this portal you can easily linked Payment options to the administrative area, as well as all other components of the site such as the layout, emails, and registration options.
We divide entire Job Portal script into three major parts. They are:
- Jobs seekers administrations having the functionality to upload their profile, edit their profile, view the entire job offers.
- Employers administration space that provides the facilities where you can post job ads, manage their company profile, search the database with the jobseekers resumes and many others.
- Administrators having given full control over the website, structure and content management, detailed user management, search engines reports, statistics and many others.
Travel Portal Development
Each year large numbers of students is graduating, after completing their degree they travel here and there in search of jobs. So, one who wants to provide services to search jobs through the help of web Jobs Portal Development ? This new era of internet, large numbers of students are searching jobs through the web. So, almost all the company these days are developing job portal to provide the service to search the jobs or employ for their own company.
Now a day resume posting and job search websites are very much popular mainly to the job seekers and who wants good employ for their company.
Now it’s your turn to provide these services to the vast interviewer of job seekers. This is also very much beneficial to your organizations, that if your organizations required talented employ then by searching and going through the entire resume your expert management can able to search the best employ for your organizations according to the organizations need.
This job portal will give free access to post their resume and search Jobs Portal Development postings for free and employers pay a fee to post their jobs and search the resumes online. Your admin have all power to view the entire posted resume.
Our job portal is too much dedicated to meet every aspect of the job seekers that is needed to post a resume to the admin/ Database server of company.
Important Features of jobseekers:
- Online facilities of filling registrations form/ signup
- Free Resume Posting
- Resume Posting Interface
- Online Resume Edit
- Search Job Listings and save the desired jobs
- Upload / Attach Image to their resume
- Bookmark jobs
- Employers Features
- Job Posting Interface
- Online Job Edit
- Search Jobseekers
- Forgot Password
- Payment Plans and Options for Job Postings and Searches
- Automatic access upon registration
- Upload / Attach Image to their profile
- Provision to search job by category, in bracket No of job posted is given
- By chosen jobs category options form the list, jobseeker can submit a cover letter, and then this cover letter along with his CV sends to employer of selected company through mail
- Acknowledge mail sends to jobseekers also
Offshore Portal Development
- Email to selected jobseekers. Bookmark job seekers resumes
- Job Posting Interface
- Online Job Edit
- Search Jobseekers
- Automatic access upon registration for fee
- Upload / Attach Image to their profile
- Profile Editing, Forgot Password
- Listing for job applies and email to jobseekers
- Payment Plans and Options for Job Postings and Searches
Admin area with:
- Viewing members
- Emailing members
- Deleting members
- Adding ads
- Setting up pricing plans
- Setting up new admin accounts
- Direct access to Statistics
- Adding subcategory to main category through admin
- Super-admin have privilege to make new admin (advanced admin, restricted admin), activate deactivate them.
- Super-admin can set permission to new admins for setting up jobseeker or employer. if new admin have permission for setting up jobseeker then he can not see employer section
- At employer section there is provision for featured employee.
- While adding new category this category may or may not show on home page by enabling or disabling feature option.
- Adding jobseeker.
- Adding employer.
- Setup plans.
So don’t think a lot, without wasting time call us or contact us and give your business a new directions and a new high with modern technology.