It has been seen from the regular survey of the University for Industry, that large organizations make use of online learning. And it has also seen that such e-learning organizations are increasing and also expected to grow from 15% to 35% over the next few years. So if you searching to develop a Corporate Training Solutions and leverage its advantage, then we at WebDhoom will help to develop such portal in a very effective cost.
This will help to take up your organizations to a new high. It helps to keep your organizations well equipped to keep pace with fast changing dynamics of the core competencies and skill sets of your employees.
We help to provide a e-learning solutions to address the following crucial areas-
Electronic Performance Support Systems Web Development Delhi
It helps to make it easier for your employees to learn a new assignment or one that helps employees with finding information on a new structure; we can develop electronic performance support systems for you. This Electronic Performance Support System that we customize for you will give your workers an integrated, electronic environment that is easily accessible. Web Development This System provides workers with information, guidance, assistance and monitoring that will greatly perk up efficiency.
Performance Gap Analysis
We provide you a solution that will help to reduce the performance gaps through tracking analysis and the area where you are lacking behind. Our aim will be to viaduct the gap and ultimately increase performance levels by building and assessing skills.
Change Management
This generally happens too difficult to adapt to technological change, policy change, change in work responsibilities, external factors like new rules and regulations. So for this, every organization are in search to have a solutions that will help to solve all these arisen problem and affect smooth transitions to new system and changes.
Performance Based Training Web Applications Development Delhi
Your main aim is increase the job performance by increasing productivity of the employee; this can be achieved only by providing performance based training modules with strong emphasis on hands-on-training modules. Web Development performance based training modules with strong emphasis on hands-on-training and role play techniques, to ensure that your employees meet targeted performance levels.