Methodology behind the complex software Web Development is to utilization of the available resources in best way to deliver the desired output of the project, risk management, accurate estimations of budgets and timeless, selections of appropriate technologies, and scheduling feature development to meet the current market demand to run a applications. To minimize the risk WebDhoom ’s methodology designed to reach the approach for software development
Any software product’s development lifecycle is comprised of four objectives:
- Requirements: What features will the product have?
- Design: How will the product offer these features?
- Coding: How will the features be coded and unit tested?
- Testing and delivery: How will the product be tested and delivered to customers?
Brochure Designing Web Applications Development Delhi
The Benefits of Webdhoom Iterative Methodology are the following:
- Rapid feedback loop starting from business stakeholders to engineering back to business stakeholders
- Provide rapid software product conceptualization and materialization through prototyping
- Having a high ability to refine the requirements and design, and the way of handling changes in both in the early phases of a product lifecycle.
- Focus on getting the highest priority features and the highest risk features implemented as fast as possible
Also having a ability to validate pieces of design incrementally, providing continuous analysis and mitigating the risks