In conventional waterfall model, testing approaches the fag end of the development procedure. No testing is done at the time of gathering requirements phase, design phase and development phase. Errors recognized during this suspend testing phase are very expensive to fix, that is the biggest software development drawback of this model. Life Cycles testing aims at grab the errors as early as likely and therefore the whole phases of the development process quite than just limiting testing to the last phase.
The life cycle testing can be carried by the formation of a separate test team for separate module.
At the very beginning of the projects both the system development process and system test process starts. The developers who is developing the system starts the system software development process and the test team who is conducting the system test starts planning the software development system. Both teams of developing and testing teams begin at the same point utilizing the same information.
The systems development team has the document which is needs for developmental reason. The test team will similarly utilize those same needs, but for the reason of testing the system. At suitable points during the developmental software development process, the test team will test the developmental process in an effort to expose imperfection.
The following is the software testing process that follows life cycle testing.
Software Development
1. Requirements Gathering phase:
Authenticate that the needs captured are true user needs Authenticate that the needs captured are complete, unambiguous, and accurate and none clashing with all other.
2. Design phase:
Confirm that the design accomplish the purposes of the requirements as well as the design being effective and efficient Verification Techniques: Design walkthroughs, Design Inspections
3. Coding phase:
Confirm that the design is correctly translated to code
Confirm coding is as per company’s standards and policies
Confirmation Techniques: Code Inspections, Code walkthroughs,
Validation Techniques: Unit testing and Integration techniques
4. System testing phase:
Execute test cases
Log bugs and track them to closure
User Acceptance phase:
Users validate the applicability and usability of the software in performing
their day to day operations.
Maintenance phase:
After the software is apply, any alter to the software must be systematically tested and care must be taken not to initiate regression problems.The life cycle testing is also known as V testing. The project’s Do and Check actions gradually meet from begin to finish (see above figure), that designate that as the Do team efforts to apply a solution, the Check team alongside develops a process to minimize or get rid of the risk. If the two groups work intimately mutually, the high level of risk at a software development project’s initiation will decrease to a tolerable level by the project’s finish.