Your website is one of the best medium to reach your potential customers. All works is done by the search engines, you might treat as god in the success of your business. Search engines work to make you visible and to give you a global presence even whom you don’t know, all it is possible with your websites. You must be very conscious at the time of designing your website and follow some important rules that can help to list you in the good books of the popular search engines. Create Clear Structure
While making layout for your websites keep very clear view. You should design your layout in the view of visitors who does not know your websites name and also not interested to reach your sites but if you design keeping in mind about them who have target visitors they also must attract with look and design. You are not only designing this website for your target audience but also for a variety of visitors who will get you through the search engine at random search while. Design with well organized format so that the search engine can recognize where the navigation, content and headings are easily. Keep heading and subheadings tags at the top of every page so after opening the pages it view clearly and easily under stable by visitors about your product. Be specific in coding. Use appropriate codes for programming.
Keep Keywords Consistent proper way
Do not take search engines as lightly as it he first steps of success and neither tries to be over smart while using keywords. You should not ravine your content deliberately with keywords then search engines are very smart and enough to understand your approach and might help search to ban your websites. But do make sure you include all your significant keywords in your content. Contemplate on your content then your keywords will be automatically covered.
HTML and JavaScript
Search engines can read only HTML, so avoid any other language for inserting text like JavaScript as they don’t read JavaScript. If you really interested to be recognized by search engines then put in all your text in HTML. You can have other parts in JavaScript excluding your content. This can make your website more focused and organized.
Use Meta Tags
Be focused while using Meta tags. Though Meta tags are almost out of fashion and search engines don’t bother about Meta tags for ranking, but your visitors can get info about your site through these Meta tags. Always write relevant Meta tags. Visitors will click only when they find your site relevant and for that your site should have pertinent Meta tags.
Avoid dash Pages
Defy your enticement to have a dash page presenting entire-page version of your logo. Search engines don’t recognize dash pages. This might rank you lower than what you often could be. So, avoid using splash pages.
Include Alt Tags
For your content you are using keywords in similar way alt tag is used for your images and graphics. While showing images in the pages, search engines don’t recognize you images so that purpose you can use alt tag which help you to display images and graphics and it can be recognize by the search engines. Keep changing your alt tag every time you change the graphics.
Add Good Content
One of the most important things for the search optimizations is good content. Good content can only help you relay more on the visitors, and overall content is the king. It can help to achieve good rank for your websites. If you have putted germane information and content then other website will easily swap their links with your URL. Be sure you have useful content so that it can be used in blogs and other forums. If want to get a good ranking write and design a stand out content for your website.