The Unified Modeling Technique is useful with the help of providing a powerful tool to elicit and document stakeholder needs. Whereas generally used in a traditional development context, use cases can be employed with good effect when implementing an enterprise scale Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) system.
Application Lifecycle Management includes the web development processes and tools applied at every stages of web development starting from project inception and perquisites gathering to deployment and maintenance. By the help of this much broader scope we should take care when planning and deploying several applications lifecycle management complicated interacting systems.
Applying an enterprise applications lifecycle management system is very different from giving your developers a new version control system to put their source code in. An Enterprise applications lifecycle management system affects processes which control the whole software development lifecycle and very likely other areas of the business. As per example an application which supports the financial management of the software development business will mostly be the subject to corporate governance regulations and our systems must be able to display compliance. Enterprise applications lifecycle management is always driven by the goal of delivering value to the software development business and alignment with business of web development approach, so we must be clear about our scope, the business stakeholders we are going to impact and how we can measure our success.
As with whole activities, planning is the most important part. What tools and software development methods can we pertain to lessen risk and make sure a timely implementation which delivers value? This paper will software development focus on an significant method in Unified Modeling Language, use cases that can assist when educing needs, documenting and planning the implementation and validating we have the systems we required.
Use Cases in an ALM context
A use case is a series of tasks a person takes to accomplish a definite goal. In more detail we can say:
We recognize a set of activities, performed in a certain order performed by some usually referred to as an actor. This recognize the fact which we must be interested in a class of people, a considerably role or positively another software development system.
- There is a specific result to the actions: a goal.
- The employ case has an expressive name.
- The employ case is usually summed up in a diagram linking the actors to the use cases they do.