The Waterfall model is the most simple and extensively accepted Software development model. As every model have its own pro and cons in similar way Waterfall model does have also its own pros and cons. Spiral Model for software development was designed in order to overcome the drawback of the Waterfall Model.
Waterfall Model has its own drawbacks like it has no fair division of phases in the life cycle, and the errors occurred in a phase are not solved manner during the same phase, in its place all those problems related to one phase are carried out in the next phase and are required to be resolved in the next phase, which takes some more time of the next phase to solve the occurred errors. The jeopardy issue is the most significant part that affects the achievement rate of the Software development by following “The Waterfall Model”.
Application Development
To conquer the cons of “The Waterfall Model”, it was essential to develop a new Software Development Model that would assist in guarantee the achievement of software project. So for achieving this model developed which integrated the widespread methodologies pursued in “The Waterfall Model” and it removed all the risk factor from it. This model is named as “The Spiral Model”.
Mainly there are four phases in the “Spiral Model”:
Software Development
Planning: In this phase, the aims, option and constraints of the project are determined and are documented. The aims and other specifications are fixed so as to determine the strategies/approaches to go after during the project life cycle.
Risk Analysis: It is the most significant phase of “Spiral Model”. In this phase the entire possible option that are available and helpful in developing a cost efficient project are analyzed and strategies are determined to employ the available resources. This phase has been added particularly so as to recognize and resolve all the possible risks in the project Software development If any indication shows some uncertainty in needs, prototyping may be utilized to continue with the obtainable data and discover out possible software development solution so as to deal with the potential modification in the needs.
Engineering: In this phase, the specific software development of the project is worked out. The output of developed of modules by modules is passed through all the phases iteratively so as to obtain development in the same.
Customer Evaluation: In this phase, before releasing the developed product, the product is passed on to the customer so as to obtain customer’s views and suggestions and if some is left or the desire result is not achieved then all the needs will be identified and resolve all the possible problems/errors in the Software development . One can compare it from the TESTING phase.